Weigh in – week 16?!?!

wow, I didn’t realise it had been so long since I did a weigh in!

So things have been progressing along, I kind of went slightly crazy with food over the Christmas period, but I didn’t really put on any significant weight which I was very happy about.

I started doing the Natalie Jill 12 week Super Shred at the beginning of December, but ended up stopping when I realised how much it would conflict with Christmas, so I started it again the week of New Years (I like to start things on a Monday, makes me feel more organised).

I haven’t been following the plan quite as well as I should but even so I am still getting pretty good results. I have been running 3 days a week, and attempting to do the weights 3 days a week, I re-joined the gym this week so try and help with the weights as I really don’t like using our home gym, it is set up in the garage under our house and it is just so dark and gloomy down there and there are spiders waiting to get me at every turn (ok maybe not that bad, but we did have a heap of redbacks we had to kill and every now and then a massive huntsman will come at me with its nasty hairy legs and scare the crap out of me lol.

Anyway, now to the actual weight in…


Starting weight: 83kg
Goal weight: 70kg
Current weight: 79.1kg
Loss since last weigh in: 3kg
Weight left: 9.1kg

Starting waist : 87cm
Goal waist: 80cm
Current waist: 78cm
Loss since last weigh in: 2cm
Waist left: -2cm
Starting hips: 112cm
Current hips: 111cm
Loss since last weigh in: 1cm

and here are the before and afters from week 1 to now…

IMG_0380 IMG_0379